For foreign players

Dear foreign players, here you will find all of the information about Polish Union of Footballers, which is the only fullu-fledged footballers’ trade union in Poland and the only acknowledged by FIFA, UEFA and PZPN.

PZP offers you legal assistance, completely free of charge. The best attorneys in sports law will help you with:

  • obtaining arrears from a club
  • verification of all kind of documents: contracts, statutes, regulations etc.
  • consultance and assistance in disputes with a club
  • efective termination of a contract
  • preparation of writs and apllications to PZPN organs and/or courts of general jurisdiction

If you want to contact us:

Polish Union of Footballers
ul. Widzewska 69 a
92-308 Łódź

Phone: (42) 673 00 92 (Mon-Fri 9-17)

Kacper Zieliński:
Daniel Archetka:
Rafał Pawlak: